Monday, March 11, 2019

Custom nVision Report Book Manager - "Single-Click" Execution

From my LinkedIn Projects: nVision/Report Book Manager – Created “Single-Click” Report Book Execution Tool for Month End Close. Unlimited Report Books containing hundreds of report/scopes managed, queued & executed automatically. Up to 3 processing threads managed (NT1/NT2) & report books queued "until all have completed". Each instance execution relays a status email to users showing which books have completed, are processing and/or still pending. I created this upon discovering the finance team was spending nights running reports manually one after another. *To be clear, PeopleSoft does not provide this functionality - it only allows a single report book to be scheduled at a "predetermined static time".

I created the XXRBKMGR process to maximize the efficiency of our Month End GL Close Reporting. We have approximately 250 nVision Report Templates that generate over 2,500 individual xls report files. To alleviate running each report manually the obvious first step is to group them into report books. Now we have 25 report books - run controls SP_RB_GRP01 thru SP_RB_GRP25. They are divided & sequenced based on how long the reports run & the priority of availability. As mentioned in the introduction, PeopleSoft does allow you to schedule a report book at a specific date/time - but there is no flexibility. Month End close is typically a stress filled exercise that requires last minute postings & possible time extensions - there is NO static schedule for running the close. Furthermore, a mindless static schedule could potentially take up threads that would interfere with normal nightly batch processing - queuing jobs indiscriminately can have adverse effects. Also, when a report book ends another one isn't queued up to run when the thread is available - it sticks to the schedule.

 Sample Report Book Definition:

The dilemna is multi-faceted:

  • The GL Closing is not on a predetermined schedule but rather a verbal command to begin once all postings & last minute adjustments have been made.
  • Report Books must be processed by a limited group of threads so they don't effect the nightly batch. Long running nVision reports can potentially consume all processing threads & bring production to a halt.
  • For increased efficiency load balancing must occur between our NT1/NT2 servers - a real-time assessment must be made to assign the server effectively.
  • When a report book completes there is no time to waste - the next book must be quickly queued for execution. An idle thread translates to delays in final report delivery.
  • Run Control dates for all report books must be maintained on a monthly basis.
  • Periodic Status Notifications showing the report books that have Completed, are Running & still Pending would be useful.

The Solution:

That's it - execute XXRBKMGR.SQR - a "Single-Click" to handle everything... Automatic queuing, notifications, parameter settings, load balancing, etc...

Once XXRBKMGR is initially invoked it will requeue itself automatically every X minutes (currently set to 30) as long as there are report books running and/or pending. When all are complete the process ends.

Notification Samples:

The first occurrence of  XXRBKMGR produces this email - it launched report books 6, 10 & 7 with the other 22 still pending. The numbers represent report book SP_RB_GRP<xx>.

 Now all Report Books have completed. This is the ***FINAL*** notification.

XXRBKMGR report sample - Accessed via Process Monitor or click the URL provided in the email:

*Notice Report Book SP_RB_GRP08 is still running & accounted for in this example.

Here's some code snippets... it's a very tight streamlined process.

!*                                                                    *
!*       MODULE: XXRBKMGR.SQR                                         *
!*       AUTHOR: TONY DELIA.                                          *
!*         DATE: 03/17/2016.                                          *
!*         DESC: NVISION REPORTBOOK MANAGER.                          *
!*                                                                    *
!*                                                                    *
!*       TABLES: ps_xx_run_cntl_gl   - Select                         *
!*               ps_xx_rb_map        - Select                         *
!*               ps_xx_rb_hdr        - Select, Update, Insert         *
!*               ps_xx_rb_run        - Select, Update, Insert         *
!*               psprcsrqst          - Select                         *
!*               psnvsbook           - Select, Update                 *
!*               psnvsbookrequst     - Select                         *
!*               ps_nvs_report       - Select, Update                 *
!*               psserverstat        - Select                         *
!*                                                                    *

The number of threads & the time increment between recurring XXRBKMGR executions are defined here:

#define RB_THREADS       3   ! Maximum Open Threads
#define RB_MINS         30   ! ReportBook Manager Increment

Below is the core logic for evaluating Complete, Running & Pending items and, if needed, will queue another report book with the proper load balancing. I'm acutely aware that this sample is a "teaser" - the RUN_Init function does all the heavy lifting. I created this years ago (XX_RUN.SQC) to load Process Requests for SQR, Application Engine, COBOL, Crystal Reports, nVision Report Books, etc.

  evaluate $A_process_status

     when = 'P'

        if #THREADS                < {RB_THREADS}

           if  #PRI_ctr            < 2
               let $B_server       = $SVR_pri
               let #PRI_ctr        = #PRI_ctr + 1
               let $B_server       = $SVR_alt

           let $RCX_svr            = $B_server

           let $RUN_type           = '7'
           let $RUN_prcs           = 'RPTBOOK'
           let $RUN_oprid          = $A_oprid
           let $RUN_cntl           = $A_run_cntl_id

           do RUN_Init($RUN_type, $RUN_prcs, $RUN_oprid, $RUN_cntl, #RUN_pi)

           let $A_process_status   = 'R'
           let #A_process_instance = #RUN_pi
           let #A_process_inst_stg = #prcs_process_instance

           do Update_XX_RB_RUN

           let #THREADS            = #THREADS + 1


     when = 'R'

        let #A_active              = instr('*5*6*7*16*', $B_runstatus, 1)

        if  #A_active              > 0

            let #THREADS           = #THREADS + 1

            if  $B_server          = $SVR_pri
                let #PRI_ctr       = #PRI_ctr + 1


            let $A_process_status  = 'C'

            do Update_XX_RB_RUN



Below is a snippet of the dynamic requeuing of XXRBKMGR - as long as there are Running or Pending report books it will queue itself in 30 minutes {RB_MINS}. There's the RUN_Init() teaser again... extremely powerful & useful utility I created. It's used extensively here at NSS/ACSI for a variety of applications.

let #PR_ctr              = #P_ctr + #R_ctr

if  #PR_ctr              > 0

    let $RCX_dttm        = DateToStr(DateAdd(DateNow(),'minute',{RB_MINS}),'YYYYMMDD_HH24:MI')
    let $SAV_dttm        = $RCX_dttm

    let $RCX_svr         = 'PSUNX'

    let $RUN_type        = '1'
    let $RUN_name        = 'XXRBKMGR'
    let $RUN_id          = 'PSBATCH'
    let $RUN_cntl        = $prcs_run_cntl_id
    if  $RUN_cntl        = ''
        let $RUN_cntl    = 'SP_RPTBOOK_MGR'

    do RUN_Init($RUN_type, $RUN_name, $RUN_id, $RUN_cntl, #RUN_pi)

    show ' '
    show 'PI#: ' #RUN_pi edit 99999999 '  RC: ' $RUN_cntl '  Date/Time: ' $SAV_dttm
    show ' '


    let $HDR_status      = 'C'

    do Update_Report_Books_POST


do Update_XX_RB_HDR

do Send_Email

Once all reporting is complete & thoroughly reviewed by the GL team I have another process, written in PowerShell, that uploads the reports to SharePoint (another "Single-Click" solution).

This concludes my Custom Report Book Manager post... I hope you found it interesting.