INTERFACE METHODOLOGY Part 2 - Automatic Statistics
PeopleSoft Financials/Payroll Interface Statistics - 2005 thru 2023
Using the Standardized Interface API/Methodology I developed it's easy to produce statistics for all inbound & outbound interfaces. For the sake of posterity I'm listing the various interface aggregates that have been processed through the years. Some interfaces drop off while others are created. In each case it's always a very simple & smooth endeavor.
NSFSPRD - Financials
The screenshots below show the interfaces that were running through the years. Some have been around since the 2005 Go-Live - AP Spreadsheet Upload, Carrier Profile & Payments, Subscriber Refunds, Etc. The slides paint a historical picture of all the inbound & outbound interfaces processed.
LiveLink/Content Server to Concur Invoice
With the Financial Interface statistics loaded in Excel I used the filters to isolate several processes - The LiveLink/Content Server interface (XXAPI888) and Concur Invoice (XXAPI901 & XXAPX901). LiveLink was the document management system from 2007 to 2017 - it was replaced by Concur Invoice in 2017. You can see the automatic statistics captured convey the story as well.
NSHRPRD - Payroll, HR & Benefits
Here's the same historical interface analysis for the HR/Payroll database. In 2017 HR/Payroll was switched to ADP - you can see the drop off in that year with a small number of interfaces that still are automatically processed.
There's much more to the File Watcher Interface Methodology - this is just one of many beneficial highlights.