Sunday, September 22, 2019

SQL*Engine - Part 7 - Combo Edit Demo

SQL*Engine - Part 1 - Initial Overview/Demonstration
SQL*Engine - Part 2 - Launching PeopleSoft Process Requests
SQL*Engine - Part 3 - Command Guide
SQL*Engine - Part 4 - @SET Variables
SQL*Engine - Part 5 - Synonyms/Grants
SQL*Engine - Part 6 - @WAIT/@EMAIL

Also PeopleSoft Dynamic Combination Edits - Background info on my XX_CE() function.

Since I'm playing around with my SQL*Engine Utility I thought I'd create a quick demo of my Dynamic Combination Edit function. Previously I demonstrated various methods of utilizing my routine - Within a PeopleSoft Component via PeopleCode, external systems such as Content Server, client/server on the desktop & interface batch processing via Process Scheduler. Now, I'll perform the routine within an SQL*Engine Script & email the results... very simple.

I can simplify this script a great deal by defining the &&COMBO variable as a full delimited string but I've chosen to set individual chartfield variables & use the @CONCAT @SET directive to build the string. &&COMBO will be used as the input parameter for my XX_CE() function - the @LIST, @SELECT and @SET/@COL directives are used to pull the resulting output. Errors are returned as a tilde (~) delimited string. I'll then use @REPLACE to change the tildes (~) into a caret (^) which is then used as a carriage return in the @EMAIL_TXT= directive.

*                                                               *
*    MODULE: XXSQI_CE.SQX                                       *
*    AUTHOR: TONY DELIA.                                        *
*      DATE: 09/22/2019.                                        *
*                                                               *
*  PROGRAM VARIABLES                                            *
@HDR_DESCR=Combo Edit SQL*Engine Script &&YMD
*  SET INDIVIDUAL CHARTFIELD VALUES                             *
*  EXECUTE COMBO EDIT PL/SQL FUNCTION                           *
*  CONFIGURE EMAIL NOTIFICATION                                 *
@EMAIL_SUB=SQL*Engine[%ID_S] %YMD ComboEdit Demo
@EMAIL_TXT=SQL*Engine[%ID_S] %YMD ComboEdit Demo %DBASE^^
@EMAIL_TXT=Combination: &&COMBO^^
*  DISPLAY VARIABLES                                            *
@MSG=End of Combination Edit Demonstration
*   End of SQL*Engine Script                                    *

The script above has been run successfully with the results emailed as expected...

Here's a copy of the SQL*Engine PDF Report - CLICK HERE.

Below is the Email Notification:

The Consolidated Chartfield String used by the XX_CE() function is included along with all the Combination Edit Rules that failed (with a carriage return after each one).

This was a very powerful, yet simple & fun exercise.