Friday, October 11, 2019

CODE Generation - Upgrade/Conversion Project - Part 1

From my archives - May 2001... Pure meta-data driven source/target database comparison & full conversion code generation. This was a very innovative approach to an otherwise mundane & tedious conversion project that maximized efficiency & precision - and worthy of being enshrined in a blog post. So here it is...

From my LinkedIn Projects List:

PeopleSoft/SQR Dynamic Conversion Code Generation - Unilever/Best Foods - May 2001
Developed Dynamic SQR Conversion Code Generation Tool for Unilever/Best Foods Acquisition & Merger to single PeopleSoft HR/Benefits/Payroll System. Using PeopleTools Meta-Data the Code Generator accounts for structural differences between Best Foods Source/Unilever Target (Version/Customization Delta) & produces full ready-to-run conversion programs for each record (with sections for special data transformations if needed). *Original Project Requirement was to merge Best Foods 7.5 data to Unilever's Upgraded 8.0 database. When the upgrade was placed on hold the focus was then a 7.5 to 7.5 merger - the Code Generation Tool reproduced the full set of Conversions in less than an hour followed by immediate testing. A major project alteration was hardly a blip on the timeline due to this unique approach.

The LinkedIn project summary gives a very high-level overview of the situation. In short, Best Foods was acquired by Unilever & their data needed to be merged into Unilever's database. Unilever was scheduled for a 7.5 to 8.0 upgrade prior to the merger. Therefore, PeopleSoft versions would be different - Best Food's 7.5 to Unilever's 8.0. New fields & altered field names/attributes must be detected & accounted for as well as customized field changes/additions. The universal approach would be to run a series of compare reports, note the differences & code each conversion program by hand - very dull & time consuming. I felt an automated approach would make better use of meta-data, my time and my brain... this proved to be a wise decision. At the eleventh hour the target upgrade to 8.0 was delayed but the merger was still to be performed. Running the Upgrade Analyzer/SQR Code Generation against the 7.5 target (instead of 8.0) yielded the full suite of required conversion programs & reports. It's important to note I used a very rapid & precise developmental approach to constructing this automation (as opposed to manual individual conversion program development) - the down side was that I was way ahead of schedule on the project plan - the complex, innovative, automated approach led to some personal boredom once the exciting work was complete.

To bring my strategy to life I needed to develop several complex components:

TDUPGREC.SQC - Upgrade Analyzer - A package of routines that will compare records from two different databases (BF/UNI), detect all differences (names/attributes/additions/deletions/etc), produce a report & make all the deltas available for Dynamic Code Generation. This includes accounting for multiple levels of nested subrecord definitions in both the source & target databases. (I previously designed a utility to accomplish this TDSUBDYN.SQC).

TD80GEN.SQC - SQR Code Generator - Using the Upgrade Analyzer Record/Field level deltas produced by TDUPGREC.SQC the Source to Target Conversion program(s) can be dynamically generated.

*The databases are accessed via DBLink - either from the Source or Target depending upon the method of execution (Push/Pull).

Once the core routines were established I created some simple driver modules to call them.

TD80UPGA.SQR - Produce Upgrade Analyzer Report by RECNAME Prompt.
TD80UPGB.SQR - Produce Upgrade Analyzer Report by Record List File.
TD80UPGC.SQR - Produce Upgrade Analyzer Report by PSRECDEFN Select (Full).

TD80UPXA.SQR - Dynamic Code Generation by RECNAME Prompt.
TD80UPXB.SQR - Dynamic Code Generation by Record List File
TD80UPXC.SQR - Dynamic Code Generation by PSRECDEFN Select (Full)

Hierarchy of Functionality:

Report Only     -> 
                   TDUPGREC.SQC ->

Code Generation -> 
                   TD80GEN.SQC  ->
                                   TDUPGREC.SQC ->

For example, run TD80UPGA.SQR to produce the Upgrade Analyzer Report by prompt (No Code Generation necessary - just a hard copy for Meetings/Project Reports/Etc.):

  let $RC_log        = 'Y'      ! SubRecord Analyzer Log - ON
  let $RC_rpt        = 'BREAK'  ! Page Break after each Recname

  do UPG-Pull-Prompt($RC_pull)  ! Prompt for PUSH or PULL Method
  do UPG-Alias-Prompt           ! Prompt for Alias Conversion

  input $RC_link    'Enter Database Link (i.e. @HTRY)'

  input $RC_recname 'Enter RECNAME (i.e. JOB)'

  while $RC_recname <> ''

     uppercase $RC_recname

     do UPG-Main($RC_link, $RC_pull, $RC_recname, $RC_log, $RC_rpt, #O_ctr, #U_ctr)

     input $RC_recname 'Enter RECNAME (i.e. JOB)'


#Include 'tdupgrec.sqc'  !TD Upgrade Record Analyzer
#Include 'tdsubdyn.sqc'  !TD SubRecord Analyzer
#include 'tdfunc.sqc'    !TD Custom SQR Function Library

The routine UPG-Main performs all the analysis & writes the report for the selected RECNAME. Note that the TD80GEN.SQC Code Generator also calls this routine.

Below is a portion of the Upgrade Analyzer Report for the record PAY_LINE. The field-by-field Source to Target results are displayed with the delta status (Added, Dropped or Changed):

Above: Notice the fields PAGE_NUM, LINE_NUM & EMPL_RCD. These fields (along with others) were renamed in the 7.5 to 8.0 upgrade. Originally PAGE#, LINE# & EMPL_RCD#. The Upgrade Analyzer & Code Generator takes this into account.

Above: Upgrade Analysis for record DISABILITY. Notice the LONG datatype for the COMMENTS field. For Code conversion "special handling" will be required to merge the data value into the Target database (this is accounted for in the process).

The reports in the above example were produced via TD80UPGB.SQR - A list of Record Names in a file was processed with a full report produced.

Full Upgrade Analyzer Report for this example: CLICK HERE

Here's the main function from TDUPGREC.SQR - this is the backbone for both reporting & code generation. All delta/structural information for the Source/Target records are deciphered, stored & available through the UPG-Main() function below.

!*       UPG Main                                                     *
!*                                                                    *
!*        INPUT: $I_link    - Database Link (or null)                 *
!*               $I_pull    - DB Link Method: Y = PULL / N = PUSH.    *
!*               $I_rec     - Primary Recname                         *
!*               $I_log     - Subrecord Analyzer Log Option (Y/N)     *
!*               $I_rpt     - Report Option (NONE/BREAK/SKIP)         *
!*       OUTPUT: #O_ctr     - Record Matrix Count (V80 Entries)       *
!*               #U_ctr     - Upgrade Matrix Count (V75/V80)          *
!*                                                                    *

begin-procedure UPG-Main($I_link, $I_pull, $I_rec, $I_log,  $I_rpt,
                                                   :#O_ctr, :#U_ctr)

!   Establish PUSH/PULL DB Link Method
let $SRC_link      = ''
let $TGT_link      = ''
if  $I_pull        = 'Y'
    let $SRC_link  = $I_link
    let $TGT_link  = $I_link

!   Report Print Options - BREAK/SKIP/NONE
let $I_rpt         = upper(rtrim($I_rpt,' '))
if  $I_rpt        <> 'BREAK'
and $I_rpt        <> 'SKIP'
    let $I_rpt     = 'NONE'

clear-array name=UPGmtx
clear-array name=UPGptr

let #UPG           = 0

!  Process Record - SOURCE Database (7.5)

do REC-Func($SRC_link, $I_rec, $I_log, #O_ctr)

let #idx           = 0

while #idx         < #O_ctr

    do REC-Func-Get(#idx, $rec, $fld, $sub, #typ, #len, #dec, #use, $def, #lev)

    if $sub       <> 'Y'

       do UPG-Func-Add(#UPG, 0, $rec, $fld, $def, #typ, #len, #dec, #use, #lev)

       let #UPG    = #UPG + 1


    let #idx       = #idx + 1


!   Total Number Source Entries
let #SRC           = #UPG

!  Process Record - TARGET Database (8.0)

do REC-Func($TGT_link, $I_rec, $I_log, #O_ctr)

let #idx           = 0

while #idx         < #O_ctr

    do REC-Func-Get(#idx, $rec, $fld, $sub, #typ, #len, #dec, #use, $def, #lev)

    if $sub       <> 'Y'

       do UPG-Func-Ptr($fld, #SRC, $hit, #ptr)

       if $hit    <> 'Y'
          let #ptr = #UPG
          let #UPG = #UPG + 1

       do UPG-Func-Add(#ptr, 1, $rec, $fld, $def, #typ, #len, #dec, #use, #lev)

       !   Save Upgrade Matrix Pointer
       let UPGptr.UPGptr (#idx) = #ptr


    let #idx       = #idx + 1


!  Process Output
if  $I_rpt       <> 'NONE'
    do UPG-Func-Print($I_rec, $I_rpt, #UPG)

!   Return Upgrade Matrix Count
let #U_ctr        = #UPG



Here's a smidgeon of code from my SubRecord Analyzer Component - TDSUBDYN.SQC. It shows how the subrecord array is populated with all nested subordinate entries. It is called within the Rec-Func() which the Upgrade Analyzer uses for both the Source & Target databases.

!*       Populate Array (w/subordinate entries)                       *
!*                                                                    *
!*        INPUT: $I_link    - Database Link (or null)                 *
!*               $I_rec     - Record / SubRecord Name                 *
!*               $I_log     - Display on SQR.LOG - Y/N                *
!*       OUTPUT: #U_ctr     - Running Total of Nested Fields          *
!*                                                                    *

begin-procedure REC-Populate($I_link, $I_rec, :#U_ctr)

let $DYN_psrecfield = 'PSRECFIELD' || $I_link || '   rec'



   let #U_ctr                  = #U_ctr + 1
   let RECmtx.RECid  (#U_ctr)  = $I_rec
   let RECmtx.RECfld (#U_ctr)  = &rec.fieldname
   let RECmtx.RECuse (#U_ctr)  = &rec.useedit

   do REC-SubRecord($I_link, &rec.fieldname, $RECsub, #RECtyp,
                                             #REClen, #RECdec)

   let RECmtx.RECsub (#U_ctr)  = $RECsub
   let RECmtx.RECtyp (#U_ctr)  = #RECtyp
   let RECmtx.REClen (#U_ctr)  = #REClen
   let RECmtx.RECdec (#U_ctr)  = #RECdec

   !   Default may be RECNAME.FIELDNAME, Literal or Meta-String
   let $RECdef                 = rtrim(&rec.defrecname,' ')
   let $RECfld                 = rtrim(&rec.deffieldname,' ')
   if  $RECdef                <> ''
       let $RECdef             = '<' || $RECdef || '.' || $RECfld || '>'
       if  substr($RECfld,1,1) = '%'
           lowercase $RECfld
       let $RECdef             = $RECfld

   let RECmtx.RECdef (#U_ctr)  = $RECdef

 from [psrecfield                rec:$DYN_psrecfield]
where rec.recname              = $I_rec
order by rec.fieldnum




You can see the Upgrade Analyzer results on the report samples which provides the blueprint for the Code Generation. With that being said Part 2 will display the functionality of the Code Generation portion - coming up next!

CODE Generation - Upgrade/Conversion Project - Part 2