Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Spencer Gifts - Point of Sale Interface to PeopleSoft HR/Payroll

Halloween season is here... the time for pumpkins, ghosts, candy & other fun. It's also a time that always reminds me of a project I worked on over 20 years ago for Spencer Gifts.  In addition to the retail stores you see in the mall they also run the Spirit Halloween shops that are popping up all over the country. Everyone loves those stores... at least everyone I know. In June 1998, Spencer Gifts was owned by Universal Studios which was owned by Seagram's Corporation. The project was to integrate Spencers with the parent Seagram PeopleSoft HRMS/Payroll system while adhering to their existing business model. Due to the nature of the business - seasonal staff, high turnover rate, retirees, students, extraordinary volume, etc. - it was a condition of Go-Live to be able to automatically maintain employees/benefits/payroll via the on-site store managers & the sales registers. For a store that is known for marketing silly, quirky & outright absurd merchandise their enterprise is highly sophisticated & complex. This was the perfect project for my "particular set of skills"...

From my LinkedIn Projects List:
Remote Point-of-Sale Integration with PeopleSoft HR/Benefits/Payroll - Spencer Gifts/Spirit Halloween - June 1998
Designed/developed hands-free link from Point of Sale registers to corporate PeopleSoft HR/Benefits/Payroll system. Over 600 permanent (& transient seasonal) store locations enter employee data/hours through their remote sales registers. The process automatically updates PeopleSoft including adding/updating benefit enrollments. Due to the nature of the business & high turnover rate (returning students/retirees/holiday help) Spencer Gift's could not have gone live without this complex automation.

In addition to retail sales information the store terminals are used by managers to maintain their employee information - Hires, Rehires, Transfers, Promotions, Terminations, Leave of Absence, Tax Changes & general Name/Address updates. Time/Attendance information is also entered.

All the information, spread across North America, is polled each night & stored in the Spencer legacy database. The Employee Data & Hours, in their native layouts, would now be diverted & interfaced into PeopleSoft. My interface process SEAPOS01.SQR must create/update all employee tables, track job activity & automatically enroll the employees into the proper benefit programs. Data entry errors are identified, stored for online correction (by corporate personnel) & recycled into the interface process. (SEAPOS02.SQR handles the Hours portion).

Without question SQR was the hands down tool for this job - it was then & frankly, it would be now. The process, despite various business changes, reorganizations and version upgrades, is still running.

!*                                                                    *
!*       MODULE:  SEAPOS01.SQR                                        *
!*       AUTHOR:  TONY DELIA.                                         *
!*         DATE:  06/30/1998.                                         *
!*                                                                    *
!*                                                                    *
!*       TABLES:  MISCELLANEOUS TABLES                                *
!*                                                                    *
!*                ps_sea_run_cntl_sg  - Select                        *
!*                ps_installation     - Select, Update                *
!*                psdbfield           - Select                        *
!*                ps_pay_calendar     - Select                        *
!*                ps_company_tbl      - Select                        *
!*                ps_jobcode_tbl      - Select                        *
!*                ps_sal_grade_tbl    - Select                        *
!*                ps_state_names_tbl  - Select                        *
!*                ps_dept_tbl         - Select                        *
!*                                                                    *
!*                POS PROCESSING/DEFINITION TABLES                    *
!*                                                                    *
!*                ps_sea_pos_data     - Select, Insert, Update        *
!*                ps_sea_pos_errs     - Delete, Insert                *
!*                ps_sea_pos_log      - Select, Insert                *
!*                ps_sea_pos_jobcd    - Select                        *
!*                ps_sea_pos_req      - Select                        *
!*                ps_sea_pos_ben      - Select                        *
!*                ps_sea_pos_ben_pln  - Select                        *
!*                                                                    *
!*                EMPLOYEE TABLES                                     *
!*                                                                    *
!*                ps_personal_data    - Select, Insert, Update        *
!*                ps_job              - Select, Insert, Update        *
!*                ps_employment       - Select, Insert, Update        *
!*                                                                    *
!*                TAX TABLES                                          *
!*                                                                    *
!*                ps_fed_tax_data     - Select, Insert, Update        *
!*                ps_state_tax_data   - Select, Insert, Update        *
!*                ps_local_tax_data   - Select, Insert, Update        *
!*                ps_tax_distrib      - Select, Insert, Update        *
!*                ps_tax_dist_effdt   - Select, Insert, Update        *
!*                                                                    *
!*                EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TABLES                             *
!*                                                                    *
!*                ps_ben_prog_partic  - Select, Insert                *
!*                ps_benefit_partic   - Select, Insert                *
!*                ps_health_benefit   - Select, Insert                *
!*                ps_life_add_ben     - Select, Insert                *
!*                ps_disability_ben   - Select, Insert                *
!*                ps_savings_plan     - Select, Insert                *
!*                ps_leave_plan       - Select, Insert                *
!*                ps_fsa_benefit      - Select, Insert                *
!*                ps_rtrmnt_plan      - n/a                           *
!*                ps_pension_plan     - Select, Insert                *
!*                ps_vacation_ben     - n/a                           *
!*                                                                    *

Breakdown of sub-modules within MAIN processing program:

#Include 'seaposer.sqc'  !POS Error Message Routines
#Include 'seaposcv.sqc'  !POS Conversion Matrix Routines
#Include 'seaposdb.sqc'  !POS Database Activity (Inserts,Updates,etc.)
#Include 'seaposrq.sqc'  !POS Required Field Routines
#Include 'seaposjm.sqc'  !POS Jobcode Matrix Routines
#Include 'seapostx.sqc'  !POS Tax Data Processing
#Include 'seaposbn.sqc'  !POS Benefit Data Processing
#Include 'seapospr.sqc'  !POS Print Routines

Sub-modules within seaposbn.sqc - Benefit Data Processing:

#Include 'seaposb0.sqc'  !POS Benefit Processing - PROG/PARTIC
#Include 'seaposb1.sqc'  !POS Benefit Processing - HEALTH_BENEFIT
#Include 'seaposb2.sqc'  !POS Benefit Processing - LIFE_ADD_BEN
#Include 'seaposb3.sqc'  !POS Benefit Processing - DISABILITY_BEN
#Include 'seaposb4.sqc'  !POS Benefit Processing - SAVINGS_PLAN
#Include 'seaposb5.sqc'  !POS Benefit Processing - LEAVE_PLAN
#Include 'seaposb6.sqc'  !POS Benefit Processing - FSA_BENEFIT
#Include 'seaposb7.sqc'  !POS Benefit Processing - RTRMNT_PLAN
#Include 'seaposb8.sqc'  !POS Benefit Processing - PENSION_PLAN
#Include 'seaposb9.sqc'  !POS Benefit Processing - VACATION_BEN

When I was assigned to this project I met with a very helpful & highly proficient Spencer HRMS team, collected the OS/Polling documentation/test files & built a complete functioning prototype on my laptop using the SQL*Base version of PeopleSoft. This was completed before the initial meetings with Seagram...

Before I stray off the Halloween & Spirit theme - here's a very quick 3D character montage I put together using DAZ Studio 4.11. I'm sure you can find all these costumes, props & more at Spirit Halloween shops.

The big nut to crack when creating a complete automated interface for PeopleSoft HRMS is how to regulate benefits enrollment. At Spencers, all benefit programs were issued by jobcode. I created a custom jobcode default table to hold the benefit program (and other attributes)...

...then another custom table that holds the benefit plans within each program. I also defined the methods to assign effective dates. The methods dictate the proper date to begin benefits, terminate or transfer them. When transferring from one jobcode to another the table entries are compared & a delta assigned indicating if benefits were added, dropped or the same (+, -, =). The program responds accordingly.

The routine Build-Benefit-Matrix performs the aforementioned delta comparison & creates two arrays - one that holds the Benefit Program New/Old values & the other as a sub-array to map the required Enrollment/Termination (based on the indicator +, - or =). The first entry below shows the blueprint for a benefit program upgrade to Z06 from Z07. All plans are = except for type 10 LTD which needs to be added. Conversely, when switching from Z06 to Z07 the type 10 LTD would be terminated. All "=" benefit plans remain untouched.

Idx    Mode   New   Old   BegX   EndX
----   ----   ---   ---   ----   ----
0000   X      Z06   Z07   0000   0013

Idx    Mode   Ind   New   Old   Type   Plan     Action   Beg   Trm   Xfr
----   ----   ---   ---   ---   ----   ----     ------   ---   ---   ---
0000   X      =     Z06   Z07   10              T              T4    X4
0001   X      =     Z06   Z07   11              T              T4    X4
0002   X      =     Z06   Z07   20     LIF25    I        B1    T1    X1
0003   X      =     Z06   Z07   22     ADD25    I        B1    T1    X1
0004   X      =     Z06   Z07   27     TRV1X    I        B1    T1    X1
0005   X      =     Z06   Z07   30     STD67%   I        B2    T1    X1
0006   X      +     Z06   Z07   31     LTD      I        B2    T1
0007   X      =     Z06   Z07   40              T              T3
0008   X      =     Z06   Z07   50              T              T3    X1
0009   X      =     Z06   Z07   51              T              T3    X1
0010   X      =     Z06   Z07   5Z     HOL      I        B1    T3
0011   X      =     Z06   Z07   60              T              T3    X1
0012   X      =     Z06   Z07   61              T              T3    X1
0013   X      =     Z06   Z07   82              T              T1

Idx    Mode   New   Old   BegX   EndX
----   ----   ---   ---   ----   ----
0001   X      Z06   Z08   0014   0027

Idx    Mode   Ind   New   Old   Type   Plan     Action   Beg   Trm   Xfr
----   ----   ---   ---   ---   ----   ----     ------   ---   ---   ---
0014   X      +     Z06   Z08   10              T              T4
0015   X      +     Z06   Z08   11              T              T4
0016   X      +     Z06   Z08   20     LIF25    I        B1    T1
0017   X      +     Z06   Z08   22     ADD25    I        B1    T1
0018   X      +     Z06   Z08   27     TRV1X    I        B1    T1
0019   X      +     Z06   Z08   30     STD67%   I        B2    T1
0020   X      +     Z06   Z08   31     LTD      I        B2    T1
0021   X      =     Z06   Z08   40              T              T3
0022   X      +     Z06   Z08   50              T              T3
0023   X      +     Z06   Z08   51              T              T3
0024   X      +     Z06   Z08   5Z     HOL      I        B1    T3
0025   X      +     Z06   Z08   60              T              T3
0026   X      +     Z06   Z08   61              T              T3
0027   X      =     Z06   Z08   82              T              T1

Idx    Mode   New   Old   BegX   EndX
----   ----   ---   ---   ----   ----
0002   X      Z07   Z06   0028   0041

Idx    Mode   Ind   New   Old   Type   Plan     Action   Beg   Trm   Xfr
----   ----   ---   ---   ---   ----   ----     ------   ---   ---   ---
0028   X      =     Z07   Z06   10              T              T4    X4
0029   X      =     Z07   Z06   11              T              T4    X4
0030   X      =     Z07   Z06   20     LIF25    I        B1    T1    X1
0031   X      =     Z07   Z06   22     ADD25    I        B1    T1    X1
0032   X      =     Z07   Z06   27     TRV1X    I        B1    T1    X1
0033   X      =     Z07   Z06   30     STD67%   I        B2    T1    X1
0034   X      -     Z07   Z06   31     LTD      I        B2    T1    X1
0035   X      =     Z07   Z06   40              T              T3
0036   X      =     Z07   Z06   50              T              T3    X1
0037   X      =     Z07   Z06   51              T              T3    X1
0038   X      =     Z07   Z06   5Z     HOL      I        B1    T3
0039   X      =     Z07   Z06   60              T              T3    X1
0040   X      =     Z07   Z06   61              T              T3    X1
0041   X      =     Z07   Z06   82              T              T1


The Process-Benefit-Pointer routine coordinates the adding/removing of benefits for the employee using the Benefit Matrix.

!*       Process Benefit Pointer                                      *

begin-procedure Process-Benefit-Pointer

let #PTidx            = 0
let $PTsw             = 'N'

while #PTidx          < #PTctr

   let $PTmode        = PTmtx.PTmode (#PTidx)
   let $PTnew         = PTmtx.PTnew  (#PTidx)
   let $PTold         = PTmtx.PTold  (#PTidx)
   let #PTbeg         = PTmtx.PTbeg  (#PTidx)
   let #PTend         = PTmtx.PTend  (#PTidx)

   if  $PTmode        = $BENmode
   and $PTnew         = $BENnew
   and $PTold         = $BENold

       let #PTidx     = #PTctr
       let $PTsw      = 'Y'


   let #PTidx         = #PTidx + 1


if $PTsw             <> 'Y'

   let $ERRtxt        = 'Benefit Matrix Error - Key(s) not found: '
   let $ERRtxt        = $ERRtxt || $BENmode || '/' || $BENnew || '/' || $BENold
   do Build-Error-Matrix


   do Calc-Benefit-Dates

   let #BNidx         = #PTbeg

   while #BNidx      <= #PTend

      let $BNmode     = BNmtx.BNmode (#BNidx)
      let $BNind      = BNmtx.BNind  (#BNidx)
      let $BNnew      = BNmtx.BNnew  (#BNidx)
      let $BNold      = BNmtx.BNold  (#BNidx)
      let $BNtype     = BNmtx.BNtype (#BNidx)
      let $BNplan     = BNmtx.BNplan (#BNidx)
      let $BNactn     = BNmtx.BNactn (#BNidx)
      let $BNmthB     = BNmtx.BNmeth (#BNidx, #idxBEG)  ! Method - Begin
      let $BNmthT     = BNmtx.BNmeth (#BNidx, #idxTRM)  ! Method - Term
      let $BNmthX     = BNmtx.BNmeth (#BNidx, #idxXFR)  ! Method - Xfer

      let $BNmeth     = BNmtx.BNmeth (#BNidx, #BENidx)  ! Method - Specific

      let $BNproc     = 'Y'

      !   Bypass Conditions - Benefit Matrix

      !   A - No Begin/Terminate Method (Non-Transfer)
      if  $BNmode     = 'Z'
      and $BNmeth     = ' '
      !   B - Begin Method without Benefit Plan (Non-Transfer)
      or  $BNmode     = 'Z'
      and $BNmeth     = $BNmthB
      and $BNplan     = ' '
      !   C - Transfer New/Old yields EQUAL Benefit Attributes
      or  $BNind      = '='
      !   D - Gain in Benefits without Begin Method (Non-Auto)
      or  $BNind      = '+'
      and $BNmthB     = ' '
      !   E - Loss in Benefits without Terminate Method (Non-Auto)
      or  $BNind      = '-'
      and $BNmthX     = ' '
          let $BNproc = 'N'

      if  $BNproc     = 'Y'
          do Process-Benefit-Matrix

      let #BNidx      = #BNidx + 1





In a prior blog post I used the SEAPOS01.SQR program as the basis for my SQR Background Processor. You can see a portion of the underlying Process Flowchart for the Benefits Handling.

This was a complex, well-designed interface I built from scratch. Despite supporting another client simultaneously in PeopleSoft Financials (AR, GL, AM, AP) and splitting my on-site time during the week (King of Prussia/Egg Harbor Township), it was always ahead of schedule in development & testing with the Go-Live being a smooth anticlimactic event.

Now let's pause for some more scary stuff... another scene I created with DAZ Studio.

I'll take a moment to acknowledge one of the outstanding resources at Spencer Gifts - Dave Bell (currently Sr. HRIS Manager). He's extremely knowledgeable & a valuable asset to his organization - and has the sense of humor you would expect from a Spencer Gifts employee. Working with Dave we also added the capability to enter online transactions so they may be processed in a similar fashion as the nightly polled items. Then he took that one step further with mass data inserts from his MS Access database into the POS staging tables for Annual Salary Planning. By utilizing the SEAPOS01 process he invoked the same logic & consistency for all updates.

The company headquarters is located in Egg Harbor Township, NJ just outside of Atlantic City - between my house & the shore. The commute from Marlton was one of the best I've ever had... Also, I was able to attend the Annual Spencer Gifts Sample Sale - all the vendor prototypes are put up for grabs to the employees (and guests). I picked up a talking alien doll for 50 cents (which I still have), alien blow-up doll for 25 cents (not what you think), alien in a capsule for a buck, a big styrofoam gargoyle for another buck... and a couple free lava lamps! To commemorate that bountiful day I created another DAZ 3D Studio scene - an alien with a lava lamp from Spencer Gifts.